
Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Angel Lilly Charles

Happy Birthday Angel Lilly Charles , Your 1 year old today, There not one day went by I havn't thought about you and how you look like , all the kisses and hugs you be giving mommy and daddy and big brother, From the first time I heartbeat and last time I got to hear your heartbeat, I knew in my heart you was someone very special. Mommy will always hold you deep in my heart .. I love you Lilly , You're mommy and daddy and big brothers special angel..

Saturday, December 17, 2011


I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below
With tiny lights like heaven's stars, reflecting on the snow.
The sight is so spectacular; please wipe away the tear
For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs, that people hold so dear
But the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here.
I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring.
For It Is beyond description, to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me. I see the pain inside your heart.
But I am not so far away. We really aren't apart.
So be happy for me dear ones. You know I hold you dear.
And be glad I'm spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

I send you each a special gift, from my heavenly home above.
I send you each a memory, of my undying love.
After all " Love" is the gift more precious than pure gold.
It was always most important in the stories Jesus told.

Please love and keep each other, as my Father said to do.
For I can't count the blessings or love He has for each of you.
So, have a Merry Christmas and wipe away that tear.
Remember , I am spending Christmas , with Jesus Christ this year.
I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be.

Robert Munsch "Love you forever"

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Please mommy, dont cry, do not be sad. Treasure the time how ever short we had. I miss you too, but I can feel your love. Even up here flying, like a little dove. I know it seems scary, and you feel all alone. ... No one can ever replace me, I was your own. Your sadness means I was loved every day. Though you cant see me, beside you I lay. It takes so much courage, for you to go on. I know our time together, wasnt very long. But you now will be stronger for knowing me. It will be okay some day mommy, you will soon see. In the times that are hard, remember I am here. Never far from you watching; always very near. It isnt fair we have to live so far away. But dont worry; I hear everything that you say. I am with you with every step that you take. Sending reminders I love you, for your sake. I grew in your womb but then slipped away. Instead now forever in your heart I will stay.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

New Tags 4 You

Just for you sweetie , We Love you and Miss You

Monday, November 28, 2011

Rain Fell, Flowers Bloom

When the rain fell, flowers bloom, the sun warmed the earth. The burning love that conceived you. A surge of emotions filled my body. A new life begun. Growing so fast inside me. ... Creating a bond that will never break. Memories that will last forever. My love for you no one could take. Wings instead of footprints You were a beautiful baby to beautiful for this earth. You had hair of snow ,your fathers nose,your mothers eyes, an a smile that lights up heaven. You were a speacial baby because you are our angel. Taken so soon You live today through me an your father Your always here held in my heart, the brightest star in the sky, the wind that tickles my nose. Not a day goes buy that I dont think of you. I still talk to you when no one can hear. I cry when no one can see. I still hold onto you while your slipping away. Trying to stay strong missing you everyday. I love you baby. Loved you yesterday Love you still Always had An I ALWAYS will. The day you slipped away I will forever be changed I miss you so much. Loss but not forgotten Rip Angel your in a better place sleeping on clouds where you have wings an can fly high.

Everyday I wonder

Everyday I wonder what it be like if you hadn't went away I miss you so much the pain never fades I think off you every single day To soon you slipped away leaving me asking why ... was it something I done or didnt do? Was it the hell that people put me though? Will I ever know... I cannot and will not let go... You run through my mind often Thoughts of how big you would have gotten Missing the touch I never felt Missing the memory of your first kick Missing the heart I couldnt hear beat Missing the sound of bitter batter baby feet Missing your birthday missing being your mommy... Your silent crys often keep me awake I wonder if you will come back to me So my dreams and hopes come reality You left me so lonely an empty womb with a heart torn in two I had so much planned I loved you more everyday Makes me sad that I couldnt hear you crys Comfort you in my arms Whisper goodnight I cannot and will not let go....

Poems I like alot

‎'Twas the Night Before Christmas" (For Bereaved Parents)'Twas the month befor...e Christmas and I dreaded the days,That I knew I was facing - the holiday craze.The stores were all filled with holiday lights,In hopes of drawing customers by day and by night.As others were making their holiday plans,My heart was breaking - I couldn't understand.I had lost my dear child a few years before,And I knew what my holiday had in store.When out of nowhere, there arose such a sound,I sprang to my feet and was looking around,Away to the window I flew like a flash,Tore open the shutters and threw up the sashThe sight that I saw took my breath away,And my tears turned to smiles in the light of the day.When what to my wondering eyes should appear,But a cluster of butterflies fluttering near.With beauty and grace they performed a dance,I knew in a moment this wasn't by chance.The hope that they gave me was a sign from above,That my child was still near me and that I was loved.The message they brought was my holiday gift,And I cried when I saw them in spite of myself.As I knelt closer to get a better view,One allowed me to pet it - as if it knew -That I needed the touch of its fragile wings,To help me get through the holiday scene.In the days that followed I carried the thought,Of the message the butterflies left in my heart -That no matter what happens or what days lie ahead,Our children are with us - they're not really dead.Yes, the message of the butterflies still rings in my ears,A message of hope - a message so dear.And I imagined they sang as they flew out of sight,"To all bereaved parents - We love you goodnight!"-By Faye McCord - TCF, Jackson, MS

I am wearing a pair of shoes.They are ugly shoes.Uncomfortable shoes.I hate my shoes.Each day I wear them, and each day I wish I had another pair.Some days my shoes hurt so bad that I do not think I can take another step.Yet, I continue to wear them.I get funny looks wearing these shoes.They are looks of sympathy.I can tell in others eyes that they are glad they are my shoes and not theirs.They never talk about my shoes.To learn how awful my shoes are might make them uncomfortable.To truly understand these shoes you must walk in them.But, once you put them on, you can never take them off.I now realize that I am not the only one who wears these shoes.There are many pairs in this world.Some women are like me and ache daily as they try and walk in them.Some have learned how to walk in them so they don’t hurt quite as much.Some have worn the shoes so long that days will go by before they think about how much they hurt.No woman deserves to wear these shoes.Yet, because of these shoes I am a stronger woman.These shoes have given me the strength to face anything.They have made me who I am.I will forever walk in the shoes of a woman who has lost a child.Author unknown

Just Those Few WeeksFor just those few weeksI had you to myself.And that seems too short a timeto be changed so profoundly.In those few weeks,I came to know you...and to love you.You came to trust me with your life.Oh what a life I had planned for you!Just those few weeks...when I lost you,I lost a lifetime of hopes,plans, dreams and aspirations.A slice of my future simply vanished overnight.Just those few weeks...It wasn't enough time to convince othershow special and important you were.How odd, a truly unique person has recently diedand no one is mourning the passing.Just a mere few weeks.And no "normal" person would cry all nightOver a tiny unfinished baby,or get depressed and withdraw day after endless day.No one would, so why am I??You were just those few weeks, my little one.You darted in and out of my life too quickly.But it seems that's all the time you neededto make my life richerand to give me a small glimpse of eternity.~S. Erling-->
Only some poems came from link below.!/Teen.Parents.of.Angels?sk=info

I miss you more than yesterday,
but no one understands.For you were not only my daughter,
you were my best friend.I cried a lot today,
yet no one needs to know.For the day I buried you,
I lost my heart and soul. Those words time heals all,
make me want to scream.Or that how are you doing,
What on earth does that mean?The pain of losing a child,
feels like a constant stab.Those that sincerely know,
are those who have.Today my heart breaks more,
than it did a month ago.In two it will be a year,
since we had to let you go.I did not have a choice,
nor was I asked how I would feel.Living in a life, that just
no longer seems real.For all those of you, that to me,
do not know what to say.I want you all to know,
that it is okay. To all of you out here,
that know this pain as well.How sorry I am for you,
words can never tell.So to all of you who have
ANGELS watching from above.Today I wish us some peace,
As I send you all my LOVE!...

Written by Tammy Craw copy rites 2011

What Makes A Mother?

what makes a mother?

I thought of youas I closed my eyes,and prayed to God today.I asked what makes a motherand I know I heard him say"a mother has a baby,this we know is true.""But God, can you be a motherwhen your baby's not with you?."

"Yes, you can" he replied,with confidence in his voice,"I give many women babies,when they leave is not their choice.Some I send for a lifetime,and others for a day,and some I send to feel your womb,but there's no need to stay."

"I just don't understandthis God. I want my baby here!"He took a breath and cleared histhroat. and then I saw a tear.

"I wish I could show youwhat your child is doing today,if you could see your child smile,with other children and say..""We go to earth to learn ourlessons of love and life and fear,my mommy loved me oh so much.

I got to come straight here!I feel so lucky to have a mom,who had so much love for me,I learned my lesson very quick,my mommy set me free.I miss my mommy oh so much,but I visit her each daywhen she goes to sleep onher pillows where I lay.

I stroke her hair and kiss hercheek and whisper in her ear,"Mommy don't be sad, I'm yourbaby. I'm still here.""So you see my dear sweet one,your children are ok,your babies are here in my home,and this is where they'll stay.They'll wait for you with meuntil your lesson is through.and on the day that you come homethey'll be at the gates for you.

So now you see what makes a's the feeling in your's the love you had so much ofright from the very start.Though some on earthmay not realize you are a mother,until their time is done,they'll be up here with meone day and know you're the best one!"

I'm Spending Christmas With Jesus This Year

I see the countless treesaround the world below With tiny lights like Heaven'sstars reflecting on the snow The sight is so spectacular,please wipe away that tear, For I'm spending Christmaswith Jesus Christ this year.

I hear the many Christmassongs that people hold so dear But they can't compare withthe Christmas choir up here I have no words to tell you,the joy their voices bring For it's beyond descriptionto hear the angels sing I know how much you miss me,I see the pain inside your heart But I'm not so far away,we really aren't apart.

Please love and keep each other,as my Father said to do For I can't count the blessingsof love He has for you I can't tell you of the splendor,nor the peace in this place Can you imagine Christmaswith our Savior face to face?

I'll ask Him to light your spiritas I tell him of your love Then pray for one another asyou lift your eyes above. So please let your hearts be joyful,and let your spirit sing For I'm spending Christmas inHeaven and I'm walking with the King. I do give permission for this email to be forwarded. However, you don't have permission to share my email address with ANYONE. So please remember remove it before sharing. Thankyou.

A Baby's Castle

A Baby's Castle

In a baby castle,just beyond my eye, my baby plays with angel toys...

that money cannot buy,

who am I to wish her backinto this world of strife? no.

play on my baby.

you have eternal life.

At night when I amrestless and sleepevades my eyes,

I'll hear her little footstepscome running to my side

Her little hands caress me,

so tenderly and sweet

I'll close my eyes and fall asleep,

embrace her in my dreams.

Now I know a glory thatI rate above

all otherI have known true glory.....

I am still her mother.


Missing you so much !

I"m sorry baby I havn't wrote in a few weeks, But mommy still miss you so much and been really hard this weekend, Your aunt beth got mommy a angel to help me remember you by put on the tree. It got lost I feel like I just lost you all over agian and hurts to bad last nite when I couldn't find that angel , I been looking over for something special I could hang onto that was you and that really touched my heart , That Aunt Beth would even do that for me and you, I cryed for hours last nite and more I cryed more If I know I wouldn't even be part of christmas If wasn't your for your Big Brother Bri Bri, You both mean the world to me and are My best friends in the whole world ONLY thing missing is being able to hole you both in my arms and giving you kisses and hugs and tell you both how much mommy loves you both. Bryton such a strong brother he doing better on everything he been going though , I know if he understand he would be missing you just as much as mommy does. But one day you will get to meet us both and your daddy.

Few weeks ago I had a amazing dream about all of us we all went Zoo Lights At Chrismas at the Toledo Zoo, You was so breautfiul in your stroll in white, And we all was having a great day at the zoo looking at all the beautiful lights.
If you was here I just be holding you and your brother watching tv and giving you both so much hugs and kisses right now.

I miss you so much Angel Lily !!! Love you Baby
Daddy please don't look so sad, momma please don't cry. Cause I'm in the arms of Jesus, and He sings me lullaby. Please try not to question God, don't think He is unkind. Don't think He sent me to you and then changed His mind. You see ...I'm a special child, I am needed up above. ... ... I'm the special gift you gave Him, a product of your love. I'll always be there with you, so watch the sky at night. Look for the brightest star and know that's my halo's brilliant light. You'll see me in the morning frost that mists your window pane. That's me in the summer showers, I'll be dancing in the rain. When you feel a gentle breeze from a gentle wind that blows. Know that it's me planting a kiss upon your nose. When you see a child playing and your heart feels a tug, Don't be sad mommy, that's just me giving your heart a hug. So daddy don't looks so sad and momma please don't cry. I'm in the arms of Jesus and He sings me lullaby...

Monday, November 14, 2011

I miss you so much Angel Lily , Sweetdreams I love you

I found this today on a friends site and I loved it I just had to post it . Love you and miss you angel

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I miss you!In the blink of an eyeI didn't know that I would have to say goodbyeAt night a tear rolls down my cheekOne day I will go back to that placeWhere I last saw your faceAnd say that "I miss you". Author unknown

Tear Drops

Tear Drops
They say memories are golden,
Well, maybe that is true;
I never wanted memories,
I only wanted you.

A million times I needed you,
A million times I cried;
If love alone could have saved you,
You never would have died.

In life I loved you dearly,
In death I love you still;
In my heart you hold a piece
No one could ever fill.

But now I know you want me
To mourn for you no more,
To remember the happy times
Life still has much in store.

Since you'll never be forgotten
I pledge to you today;
A hallowed place within my heart
Is where you'll always stay.

If tears could build a stairway
And heartache make a lane;
I'd walk the path to heaven
And bring you back again.

Our family chain is broken,
and nothing seems the same;
But as God calls us one by one,
The chain will link again.

By: Author Unknown

Monday, November 7, 2011

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Tears Today Again

I Hi My perious Angel , It is first part of November about the same time i found out I was carrying you, When all the Christmas stuff was starting to be put out and I was looking at all the baby things they has coming out. Well yesterday me and your big brother was at kogers and looking at them all the Christmas stuff the was putting out and Bryton wanted to look at the toys and I don't know what over come me . But I picked up a baby toy and I just started to tear up . I remember wanting to buy this for you.. And looking at the Christmas socks looking for one for you for your 1st Christmas which would be this Christmas. Mommy misses you so much I love you !!

Friday, November 4, 2011

What Mommy Got Made For You

I love you and miss you Angel Lily ((( Hugs N Kisses ))) Mommy's Angel



Dear God,

I don't know if you can hear me. I know that you get a lot of prayers, but I am a mother whose baby is up there...

Something terrible happened. I think you made a mistake. See, I was gonna have a baby, but for some reason you took it away...

See, God, I'm trying so hard no to be angry, but I have no one to blame. For I was this child's mother and now I will never be the same...

God? Do you hear me? I pray to you every night. I get so frustrated as the tears run down my face. I hurt so bad inside, yet it won't go away...

I try not to cry, but it seems like my eyes have become a lake, there's always water in them. And sometimes it rains and the tears, they overflow God...

God, I begin to cry as I ask Why? Why? Why? This is not fair! Why did this happen to me? Yet you refuse to answer me! What kind of God must you be...

God, my husband, he tried so very hard to make me smile, but he cannot undo what has been done. Yet he never cries. Makes me feel like I'm alone...Well this was until the other night....

He woke me from a sleep, continuously flowing, his eyes began to weep. He grabbed my hand gently and kissed my forehead as he said "come look at our baby's footsteps." Confused and puzzled I stumbled to see...

That all his teardrops formed two little feet...

As I sit here alone in the bed I started thinking about what I had said. When out of the silence, God spoke to me and this is what he said...

"My child, these tears I cry for you. For I am a God of Mercy and I lost a child too. For your child did not suffer and my child died in vein. I am a God that's gracious in so many ways. Yes, I took your child, but not because of anything you've done... I gave you the chance to make me an Angel, the greatest gift a mother can give to her God. The mothers of my Angels are special- that's why I chose you. But I'll let you in on a little secret that will bring a smile to your face..."

"When your child was in Heaven, before I sent him your way, your baby was my special Angel that I promised a perfect mom. So as I sat down and opened the 'Mommy Book' that precious little Angel took just one look and said..."

"God, I want that one to be my mommy"

"I looked up with tears in my eyes and said ' Sorry- no can do. That mommy, she's not for you.'

"Why is that?" the Lil Angel asked.

I replied, "For that mommy, her baby will not survive."

The little Angel looked up at me with tears in his eyes. "But please God! For HER...I would die!"

For I could tell the Angel was so sincere, despite what I had told him, I sent him here...

As a smile crossed my face a tear rolled down my cheek. To know of all the mommies in the whole wide world, that special Angel chose me...

So if you are the mommy of an Angel- you are a special mommy. Because you, yourself, were chosen by God and for some reason he chose that Special Angel just for you!

Miss you so much!!!

Angel Lily
angels sing above as they listen to mothers cry
they come down and comfort you and go back to the sky
we cant hear your voice or feel your touch
but us mothers can feel your love .

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Angel Lily Charles Rip 12-20-2010


Angel Lily Charles Rip 12-20-2010

Even though you will never get to meet you Angel Lily Charles

I often wonder if you were a boy or a girl? , If you have big blue eyes like your big brother?

Did you know how much we loved you?

Did you know your big brother could say your names we had picked out for you

Addison ( Bubby called you addie) or Bentley.

How much we couldn't wait to meet you and give you hugs and kisses.

I picked to name you Angel Lily ,

Angel because I know you are our angel watching over mommy and your big brother and Daddy.

Lily because that is your daddy favorite flower and Christams lily are so pretty ,

And they will forever remind me of you and the fight you put up to stay with us.

Even though We may never hold you in our arms you are forever in our hearts

Not one day goes by your not in our thoughts or missed.

We never forget the sound of your heartbeat how much joy you gave us

We Love You

Mommy, Daddy ,and Big Brother.

Wrote by me Sue Charles about my angel baby I lost 12-20-2010 she was 101/2 weeks along .



Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I did have a baby !!!

These are Things I had made for Angel Lily Miss you so much !!