
Monday, November 28, 2011

I miss you more than yesterday,
but no one understands.For you were not only my daughter,
you were my best friend.I cried a lot today,
yet no one needs to know.For the day I buried you,
I lost my heart and soul. Those words time heals all,
make me want to scream.Or that how are you doing,
What on earth does that mean?The pain of losing a child,
feels like a constant stab.Those that sincerely know,
are those who have.Today my heart breaks more,
than it did a month ago.In two it will be a year,
since we had to let you go.I did not have a choice,
nor was I asked how I would feel.Living in a life, that just
no longer seems real.For all those of you, that to me,
do not know what to say.I want you all to know,
that it is okay. To all of you out here,
that know this pain as well.How sorry I am for you,
words can never tell.So to all of you who have
ANGELS watching from above.Today I wish us some peace,
As I send you all my LOVE!...

Written by Tammy Craw copy rites 2011

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