
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Got Some Very Exciting News To Repot:O)!!!

Good Morning Everyone, Sorry I havn't been around in a week or so. Bryton just started to feel better other then he has a cold ., Has to go have some testing done but I let you all know about that later on this week after we see the doctor for his testing.

Big News :
Over the weekend I was feeling not so well and having some female issuess so I took 2 pg test and they come out postvie .. So I called the doctor on monday morning and went for the blood test and we got a call back this morning.

WE GOING TO HAVING OUR 2ND BABY!!! I'm 5 weeks along and see our little one day for thanksgiving. I'm very excited about baby. I just hoping everyone else will be too. We was very surprised over this lil one I wasn't on no meds to have her or him. So this was a BIG Surprise to Me and Daniel...
Well I need get off here have to take daniel to his doctort appt and get part for our broken sink.
have a great day everyone!!! Hugs Sue and Bryton


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