
Angel Lily Charles

Even though you will never get to meet you Angel Lily Charles
I often wonder if you were a boy or a girl? , If you have big blue eyes like your big brother?
Did you know how much we loved you?
Did you know your big brother could say your names we had picked out for you
Addison ( Bubby called you addie) or Bentley.
How much we couldn't wait to meet you and give you hugs and kisses.
I picked to name you Angel Lily ,
Angel because I know you are our angel watching over mommy and your big brother and Daddy.
Lily because that is your daddy favorite flower and Christams lily are so pretty ,
And they will forever remind me of you and the fight you put up to stay with us.
Even though We may never hold you in our arms you are forever in our hearts
Not one day goes by your not in our thoughts or missed.
We never forget the sound of your heartbeat how much joy you gave us
We Love You
Mommy, Daddy ,and Big Brother.
Wrote by me Sue Charles about my angel baby I lost 12-20-2010 I was 101/2 weeks along .